When you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Horse Protection Association of Florida. Follow these instructions to sign up for AmazonSmile. And be sure to always shop on AmazonSmile!

Desktop or Mobile Phone

1. Sign in

Sign in to smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.

Sign In 768x407

2. Click on Accounts & Lists

Click on Accounts & Lists from the top of the page.


3. Change Your Charity

On the next page, scroll halfway down the page to the box on the right that says “Shopping Programs & Rentals.” Click “Change Your Charity”.

Change Charity 768x196


4. Search for Horse Protection

In the box that says, “Or pick your own charitable organization:”, type Horse Protection Association of Florida

Type Efr 768x353

5. Select Horse Protection

Select Horse Protection Association of Florida at the top of the list.

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Add AmazonSmile icon to your iPhone or iPad

1. Open Safari

Go to smile.amazon.com

2. Sign in

Sign in to your Amazon Smile account with your Amazon user name and password.

3. Share

Touch the “share” button at the bottom of your screen. Looks like a box with an arrow.


4. Add to Home Screen

Scroll down to find “Add to Home Screen” option and touch “Add”

5. Consider Disabling Amazon General App


The Amazon Smile app has a different icon than the Amazon.com app. To always shop through Amazon Smile, consider deleting the Amazon.com app.

You’re done! Thank you for supporting the Horse Protection Association of Florida when you shop on Amazon.com!