Meet Our Trainers
Horse Protection is distinguished by our commitment to providing enriching natural horsemanship training to all of our rescues. It’s so important to us that it is part of our mission statement.
We have several professional horse trainers who care for and train the Horse Protection horses. They also help to educate our equine care staff. They are available to you, our adopters, to answer your questions regarding our horses for adoption and available to assist you with your new equine should you have any questions post adoption.
To speak to one our trainers please email or call 352-207-3079.
Christine Massinger
Executive Director
Director of Education and Horse Training
Christine Massinger is a professional horse trainer and is currently licensed as a 2* Parelli Instructor. Her areas of interest are horse psychology and behavior, safety with horses and on ground horse and rider preparation. She has been a horse ranch owner and manager for 22 years and currently has nine beloved horses. She is also an author in the field of horsemanship, having published numerous articles for the nationally known horse magazine Savvy Times and is the published author of the children’s book, The Adventures of Speedy the Wonder Horse.
Tiffany Rowe
Horse Training Associate
Tiffany Rowe is proud to be a wife, mother, and a grandmother. She is a Licensed Parelli Professional, 3 Star Instructor and a Parelli Horse Development Specialist. She has spent over two decades in horse management with a focus on both the horse’s health and their development. A little over a decade ago, she realized that she would not be able to help horses without first helping their humans. This started her on her Parelli instructor journey in which it became evident that she enjoyed teaching humans almost as much as she loved helping horses. With her passion for teaching humans, she went back to college where she achieved her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology.

Fabian Brandt
Bridging the Gap Horsemanship
Horse Training Associate
Fabian Brandt started his Horsemanship journey in 2010 at his families equestrian facility Dalpraketken in Sweden. Working through the Parelli’s natural horsemanship program he took his interest in training horses to the United States doing an internship at Bridging the Gap Horsemanship under Lauren Barwick’s instruction. Fabian has now worked with over 60 of the HPAF horses. He helps start horses and give them a foundation to succeed with their future human. He often works with horses who are challenging or have behavioral issues.
Lauren Barwick
Bridging the Gap Horsemanship
Horse Training Associate
Lauren Barwick is a a five time Paralympic athlete and four star Parelli natural Horsemanship Instructor. As an Olympic champion in dressage as well as world champion in reining Lauren has gained experience internationally. Lauren brings equestrian knowledge from both English and western disciplines, basing her foundation training methods with Parelli Natural Horsemanship. She created an equestrian based center called Bridging the Gap Horsemanship, a place to help horses and humans find balance and partnership whether it be in an equestrian sport discipline, or just for pleasure. Lauren has found a passion in helping horses overcome adverse situations so that they can succeed.
Sarah Drew
Horse Training Associate
Sarah Drew has been a Parelli Student since 2003. As a foreign service officer with the US State Department Sarah served in our embassies overseas for 26 years. Early in her career, she had the opportunity to live and work in Denmark where she found Parelli when looking for support to train her new, and uncontrollable, horse Tessa. The change in her horse in a few months was life-changing for Tessa and Sarah. She was fortunate to get lessons from the many excellent Parelli instructors in Europe who encouraged her to become an instructor, which she achieved in 2011. She has retired from the Foreign Service, and now lives in Ocala with her family and horse, Cam. She is passionate about using her skills to support the HPAF horses so they can feel safe, be confident around people and find their forever homes.