Success Stories
Before and After
For thirty years, we have been helping horses recover from neglect and abuse and the transformations that take place with proper nutrition, gentle care and heartfelt kindness amaze us to this very day! But we’re not just about before and after – we’re about happily ever after! Horse Protection horses are nourished back to health and all are given the opportunity to shine in some way – whether or not they are adoptable. We believe in giving horses skills that make them more adoptable, companionable, and wonderful partners with their human companions.
We rescue and rehabilitate all breeds and types of equines. Here are some recent successes with Thoroughbreds, some of which are available for adoption today!
Miles of Smiles 
Reno & Bettina Bershere
Saquira And Bettylou Schultz
Hollydonk & Diane Bryant
Heaven & Peggy Hoyt
Elan & Lorie Howell
Cali And River & Jenny Elliott
Alexia & Jane Whitehurst
Afire & Barbara Stuart
Cooper & Isel Del Valle, DVM
Cracker Jack & Susan Mudroch
Luna & Jo Harder
Peaches & Rebekah Taepke
River & Jennifer Elliott
Sassy & Merlin & Richard & Gloria Oest
Silver & Kim Benson
Zandar & Becky Dexter
Jazz & Kim Benson
Lilly & Marcia Brubaker
Mia & Mary Nord
Valentine & Lilly Overby X
Softly & Meredith Reed
Zen & Stacy Ewing
VJ & Pat O'Conner
Turk & Cathy Rotola
Tony & Katherine Snider
Titan & Christen Wood
The Cockerham Family & Sweet Pea
Sunny D & Kelly Vineyard
Sterling & Bri Cianelli
Sigma Alpha Volunteers Nov 22 09
Shatar & Sharon Byrne
Safiro & Katy And KC Nichoalds
Roman Rule & Jane & Bob Vogel
Peaches & Jo Harder
Missy & Bonnie Brinson
Miss Gloria & Barbara Stewart
Lexi & Scott Owen
Lady Hollywood & Laurel Allen
Jessie & Karen Goshe
Jenny Popeye & Karen Goshe
Shazam & Janice Hastings
Grace & Kristina Watkins
Fl Alternative Break Volunteers 1 26 16
Fancy & Karen Powell
Diamond & Bonnie Brinson
Davy & Sharon Byrne
Chic Soho Ardente & Lynn Conderman
Cassie Debbie & Ron Holthouse
Casben & Kathy Lambert
Calamity & Sharon Trump
Betty & Leyland Williams On The Hop
Bailey & Tony Dodd
Astro & Lamy Buck
Annie & Johanne Fiske
Ali & Carolyn Blakeslee
Coby Sue & Fulton Smedley
Jaguar & Erin Hughes
Deva & Patty Maddox
Chic Rolechx Sept. 2011
Chance & Tony & Rhonda Hyatt
Bunny & Donna Macaulay
Summer & Rhonda Hyatt
Kristy & Angus
Paris & Amy Sperling
Elmo & Kim Benson
Geisha & Susan Olsen
Bo Susan Allen Triple R Ranch
Daisy Mae & Dee Sharon Bryne
Where's My Sock & Pam Johnson
Bella Alex & Holly Rodeck
Merlin And Rhonda Hyatt
Missy & Joe Switt
Kanook & Linda Foster
Hannah And Amanda Staten
Kiki & Jemmy Elliott
Muchkin & Carmen Stiles
Roxy & Isabell Johns
Diva & Tiger & Gary Byrnes
Mighty Joe & Jennifer Elliott
Grayson Kendall And Larry Smith
Prince & Donna Davis
Hannah & Amanda Staten
Lex & Kim Pundai
Mandy & Steve Davis
Sequyoh & Nicole Vreeland
Cupido & Steve & Joan Erhart
Lady & Luzette Kincade
Precious & Kim Benson
Niva & Anna Hill
Isabel & Cheryl Mc Pherron
Expolsive Secret & Suzy DeChamplain
Madge Gunia, Shazam & Hope Janice Hastings
Mako & Jeff Harder
Beauty & Ellen Carroll
Shazam & Hope Janice Hastings
Sherman & BB Edwards
Flicka & Mary Gregory
Chino & Rozlyn Lenox
Lucky Lancelot & Katie
Lone Wolfe & Jan Cross
Ranger & Robin Brosmer
MissyPatty & Judy Osbirn
Dove & Vickie Ford
Rolex, Pat & Jessica Gleason
Rainey, Trish Marino & Sonny
Merlin Sassy & Gloria Oest
Kissy & Nellie & Stewart Family
Estellina & Suzy DeChamplain
Robin, Joe Murray & Pat Gleason
Anastasia & Maggie Kotuk
Yoshi & Mary Gregory
Beauty, Paul & Mary Gregory
River & Kendal
Silver & Suzy DeChamplain